Shopping for Dance in Cairo
Here I have collected information for all the travellers hunting the perfect costume, the special scarf or other necessaries for oriental dancing. I will be adding more information from time time so check this guide before you travel. The prices quoted are valid on March 2011 and may change. If some of the information changes, I would be happy to hear about it.
If you are in need of a map, I can recommend a map from Cairo Guide, printed by AUC. You can get it from AUC book store beside Tahrir and it’s only about £E 50. There is a lot of more information than any other tourist map.
For the telephone or mobile numbers I have included all the information needed when called form abroad. If you are using mobile in Cairo the numbers are still valid. The ‘+’ (or as usually written in Egypt ‘00’) is for calling to abroad. The next ‘20’ is code for Egypt. When calling to landlines ‘02’ is code for Cairo. If you use Egyptian code the first ‘0’ is emited. When calling to mobile numbers the first ‘0’ of the number is emited. For example mobile +20 100 123 4567 works as 0100 123 4567 inside Egypt. Landline +20 2 1234 5678 works as 02 1234 5678 from mobiles and 1234 5678 from other landline phones.
All the email addresses have a few extra spaces, so take them out before sending one.
These are the artists themselves. They make the costumes for you. Just call them after you arrive to Cairo or even email before.
Eman Zaki and her sister Hoda
There is no reason to introduce the top designer for all the stars, Eman Zaki. Even though her studio is not in flat number 2, it says so in the door. Now there is also her name on door, so you can’t get wrong. The building number 40 is near Dokki Police Station. There is number in building so all you have to do is find out the right street. The Dokki metro station is near enough. When you exit the metro station follow the sign ‘Russian Cultural Centre’. Just keep on walking away from the big bridge and turn to the right after El Omda take-away. Turn left in the next crossing and you are in the right street and walking in the right direction. After the flower shops on your right side start to look the right building number. Eman and Hoda both speak English very well.
Amira El Kattan - Pharaonix
27 Basra Street
Phone: (+20) 2 37490322
Mobile: +20 122 2139971
Take taxi to Mohadessiin. Amira speaks English very good.
Hanan Mahmoud
15 Mahtet Street
Kobrey El Koba
Phone: (+20) 2 24531733
Mobile: +20 100 1524892
The studio is very near Kobri El Kobba metro station. If you are coming by metro from central of Cairo, just cross over to the other side of the tracks and start walking to the left from the station. The big bridge should be behind your back. Turn right on the first street. Hanan’s studio is in building beside the pharmacy. She is on the first floor. You can even ask someone to take you from the metro. Hanan speaks some English, but it’s easy to handle things with her husband.
Hallah Moustafa
Her studio is in Giza - Haram.
Mobile: +20 100 1029085
She has worked with many top dancers in Cairo. Dina, Fatima, Yasmina and Lisa Laziza all of them have Hallah’s costumes. As an American she knows the dance world both in Egypt and abroad.
13 El Arish Streer
Giza - Haram
Phone: (+20) 2 35840768
email: mnousa 2003 @ yahoo . com
Nousa’s studio is in very famous El Arish Street. So any taxi or microbus driver in Haram should know the place. There is a number in the building. She is in the 4th floor. When you step off the elevator, her studio is the door on the right side. Nousa speaks very little English. It’s best if you have someone to translate.
Sahar Okasha
Mobile: +20 106 8000400
Sahar has made her name creating costumes for Dina. She used to be Dina's dresser before her curent carrier. She used to be extremely expensive but has recently lowered her prices. She speaks a little English but her husband is always translating.
Aida Nour
19 Tarek Ben Zyad Street
Giza - Haram
Mobile: +20 122 273034
During the last few years Aida has found her own style as a designer. Dancers as Dandash and Leila have her costumes. Aida’s studio is next to Pyramids Hotel, if you are coming from Giza, it’s just before Al Andalous night club and very famous Shabrawy restaurant. There is the number in the building. Aida's ateljee is in the ground floor, the one just ahead from the main entrance door. Aida speaks English.
13 Sahl Hamza Street
El Kom El Aghdar
Giza - Haram
Mobile: +20 100 1418609
Aziz is originally from Syria. For years he has been doing costumes for great dancers such as Fifi Abdou. He has been working in the film and television scene also. His place is easy to find. Just take a taxi from Giza metro station and ask him go to Haram. The studio is in the next street after El Arish Street. Every driver knows the latter. Or you can even use microbuses. The studio is in the ground floor. Aziz speaks English.
Saif Abd El Aziz & Mohammed Shokoko
Naser City
email: saif _ azyaa @ yahoo . com
Saif is a new desinger. He used to do wedding dresses and evening gowns. Now he has some new and original ideas. His studio is locaded in Naser City, but it's quite easy to go to by metro. Nearest metro station is Ghamra. After the ticket mashines choose the exit on the right side. Go out on the station. You should be on top of a bridge. Gross the road and take microbuss or taxi to "mahatta Naser" - Nasser stop/station. You can ask to be picked up from that stop. The way form metro station to Naser stop is complitely straigth and takes about 10 minutes depending of traffic. Saif speaks English.
Costumes: £E 1000-2000
These shops sell almost everything you need. There rarely is designer or seamstress available all the time, but if you need something altered or fixed, all of them will gladly help you and make appointment with one.
Abdou Abd El Gaffar – Oriental Mode
3 Ramez of Mansur Street
Saad Zaghloul – Metro Station
Phone: (+20) 2 7924354
Mobile: +20 122 3141283
The place is just around the corner from Saad Zaghloul - Metro Station. The first time is best to just ask Abdou to get you from there.
He is the one for me. He takes care of all my special scarves for all my folkloric costumes. I can’t praise him enough. He is fast, reliable and he will tell you if he can’t deliver immediately. Abdou speaks English very well.
Mahmoud Abdel Ghaffar – Al Wikkala


73 Gawfar El Qayid Street
Khan El Khalili
Phone: (+20) 2 589 7443
Al Wikkala is legendary. Mahmoud was the first one to start to produce scarves for dancers. After the revolutionary start his 4-story shop has be come a landmark it self. Now Mahmoud has expanded and all the floors are double the size they used to be, although he only uses the first 3 floors. After all the renovations Mahmoud opened another entrance. It's a little bit further down to the road than the old one. Mahmoud speaks English.


2 Sekket Street
Khan El Khalili
Phone: (+20) 2 7865966
email: yasser belly @ hotmail . com
Yasser’s shop is just around the corner from the famous Fishawi Coffee Shop. It’s very easy to find and if you get lost, just ask and anyone will be able to direct you in the right direction. Yasser speaks English.
Al-Faham Shop
Shiwikar Building
Passage no. 2
Khan El Khalili
Mobile: +20 100 169 6806
This shop is just around the corner from the famous Fishawi Coffee Shop as well. Only in other direction than previous Yasser's. It’s not so easy to find, but you could call them and ask to picked up from the Fishawi. The owners speak English.